Over the past few months, I have dropped my daughter off twice a week at what I thought was just “dance class”. I see her working up a sweat, practicing her routines, reminding me of class when I get in late from work and forget it’s class day. Seeing her perform on stage, with such confidence! I was in AWE! She’s danced before, but this is different, LDW is not just teaching my daughter “dance” I see growth, self confidence, a sense of belonging, and a desire to contribute to a team. I’m very protective of my girls, and not easily persuaded to let them participate in activities where I’m not familiar with the people; however, I’m grateful that I said yes for her to attend and be a part of LDW. I love that they reinforce the same values and morals that I teach at home. It’s the confidence I see in my big girl’s eyes for me, and I’m here for all of it!